QR Code

Project Description

Get known with just a scan now!

Affordable & Result oriented tool

Now don't let your clients consume much time in typing your website name. Make it as easy as just a scan for them. You earn by how much time you save for your client.


Not only website link but you can also use it for selling a particular product or most sold product easier to show.

Your benefits

Get Digital QR Code at affordable and convenient number of QR codes for all your products and links. Save your and your customers time as well.

Now make information provision and branding seem effortless.

Put it on your packaging, products, Visiting card, Portfolio and much more. It has benefits that can make your brands image reachable to the corners of every part. WOM (Word Of Mouth) can be easily started once you do something apart from ordinary. Scan and visit the website now! make your own qr codes.

More Information
Let it be presentation, product information, website link, Payment scanner. All can be done with a single scan now. Get your unlimited scans and you can see and analyze how many are actually interested in your company and product just by  a simple scan. Make it a time saver for you and your customers. Make a sale as quickly as possible.

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